TEXT MESSAGING: also called SMS (short message service), allows users to send and receice short text messages, typically fewer than 300 characters, on a phone or other mobile device or computer.
PICTURE MESSAGING: users can send pictures and sound files, as well as short text messafes, to a phone or other mobile device, or a computer.
VIDEO MESSAGING: users can send short video clips, usually about 30 seconds in length, in addition to all picture messaging services.
WIRELESS INTERNET ACCESS POINT: users access wireless Internet access points with computers or devices that have the necessary built-in wireless capability or the appropiate wireless network card, USB network adaptor, ExpressCard madule, or PPC Card. Two types of wireless Internet access points are hot spots and mobile wireless metworks.
HOT SPOT: a wireless network that provides Internet connections to mobile computers and devices. Through the hot spot, mobile users check e-mail, browse the Web, and access any service on the INternet. Three hot spot technologies are Wi-Fi, WiMAX, and Bluetooth.
CYBERCAFE: or internet cafe, is a coffeehouse, restaurant, or other location that provides personal computers with Internet access to its customers.
GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS): a navigation system that consists of one or more earth-based receivers that accept and analyze signals sent by satellites in order ot determine the receiver's goegraphic location.
COLLABORATE: work online with othe users connected to a server. Two methods of collaboration include collaborative software and document management.
COLLABORATIVE SOFTWARE: includes toos that enable users to share documents via online meetings and communicate with other connected users.
WEB COFERENCE: when the online meeting takeds place on the Web
DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: provides for storage and mamgement of a company's documents, such as word processing documents, presentations, and spreadsheets. Users then access these documents, depending on their needs.
GROUPWARE: software that helps groups of people work together on projects and share information over a network.
VOICE MAILS: which functions much like an answering machine, allows someone to leave a voice messafe for one or more people.
VISUAL VOICE MAIL: users can view massafe details such as the length of calls, and in some cases, read message contents instead of listening to them.
MASHUP: a Web application that combines services from two or more sources, creating a new application.
NETWORK: a collection of computers and devices connected together via communications devices and transmission media.
VALUE-ADDED NETWORK (VAN): a third-party business that provides networking services for a fee.
LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN): a network that connects computers and devices in a limited geographical areasuch as a home, school computer laboratory, office building, or closely postitioned grooup of buildings. Each computer or device on the network, called a node, often shares resources such as printers, large hard disks, and programs. Often nodes are connected by cables.
WIRELESS LAN (WLAN): is a LAN that uses no physical wires.
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